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Words are not meant to stir the air only: they are capable of moving greater things.
Natsume Soseki, Kokoro, 1914

Country and Executive Reports - Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft.

How best should Australia's key strategic partners in Asia and Europe meet their future defence and security needs?


Developing a structured and systematic way of imagining the future is more critical than ever in today’s strategic and policy environment that is undergoing transformational change. The primary objective of this research project, funded by the Australian Government Department of Defence, is to support the development of strategic literacy for the complex challenges faced by Australia and its partners and allies.


In collaboration with an international research team, we investigated four significant cases of Asian and European strategic partners – Japan, Singapore, Germany, and the UK – which share many contemporary security challenges.


The project has generated new and up-to-date insights about how those countries mobilise power and exercise statecraft within a world that gives them less control over the future they want to inhabit.



Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft

Australian Academy of Science, The Shine Dome, 13 December 2023.


















Country Report - Singapore

Country Report - Japan

Country Report - The United Kingdom

Country Report - Germany



Launched on 22 February 2024.



Prantl, J. and Goh, E. 2024. Building strategic capacity: what governments in Asia and Europe can learn from each other in the age of polycrisis. Global Government Forum, 23 January.

Key outputs:


Prantl, J., Barros-Platiau, A.F., Inoue, C., Pereira, J.C., Ribeiro, T., and Viola, E. 2024. Building Capabilities for Earth System Governance. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


Prantl J. and Goh, E. 2024. Strategic Diplomacy: Executive Report. Project on ‘Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft’, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, January.


Biscop, S. and Prantl, J. 2023. Strategic Diplomacy: The Germany Case. Country Report for the Project on ‘Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft’, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November.


Ishihara, Y. 2023. Strategic Diplomacy: The Japan Case. Country Report for the Project on ‘Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft’, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November.


Goh, E. and Lim, W-K. 2023. Strategic Diplomacy: The Singapore Case. Country Report for the Project on ‘Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft’, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November.


Chamberlain, P. 2023. Strategic Diplomacy: The United Kingdom Case. Country Report for the Project on ‘Strategic Diplomacy for 21st Century Defence and Statecraft’, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, November.


Prantl, J. and Goh, E. 2022. Rethinking Strategy and Statecraft for the Twenty-first Century of Complexity: A Case for Strategic Diplomacy. International Affairs 98:2, pp.443-469.


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2022. Living and fighting with Russia. The Straits Times, 27 April.


Prantl, J. and Goh, E. 2022. How governments can prepare for complex crises in the 21st century. International Affairs Blog, 21 April.


Prantl, J. 2022. Opinion: why a paradigm change is needed in public service thinking. Global Government Forum, 18 April.


Prantl, J. 2022. Reuniting Strategy and Diplomacy for 21st Century Statecraft. Contemporary Politics 28:1, pp1-19.


Prantl, J. 2021. Strategic Diplomacy in a Changing World Order: The Curious Case of South America. Contemporary Politics 28:1 (Special Issue Editor).


Goh, E. 2020. The Asia Pacific's "Age of Uncertainty": Great Power Competition, Globalisation and the Economic-Security Nexus. RSiS Working Papers, WP330.


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2020. COVID-19 is exposing the complexity of connectivity. East Asia Forum, 8 April.


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2020. Strategic Policy for COVID-19: Connectivity with Resilience. Strategic Diplomacy Policy Memo #1, 5 April.


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2017. Strategic Diplomacy in Asia. East Asia Forum Quarterly 9:2, pp.1-12, 27-39 (Issue Editors).


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2017. Why Strategic Diplomacy Matters in Southeast Asia. East Asia Forum Quarterly 9:2, pp.36-39.


Goh, E. and Prantl, J. 2016. Strategic Diplomacy in Northeast Asia. Global Asia 11:4, pp.1-64 (Guest Editors).


Goh, E. 2016. Is a Grand Bargain the Way Forward in Northeast Asia? Global Asia 11:4, pp.58-64.


Prantl, J. and Kim, H-W. 2016. The Strategic Diplomacy of Reunification: Germany’s Lessons for Korea. Global Asia 11:4, pp.34-41.


Prantl, J. 2016. However Annoying, Failure to Engage Russia is Not an Option. Yale Global Online, 16 February.


Prantl, J. and Goh, E. 2015. Strategic Diplomacy in the 21st Century. ANU Workshop Report. Canberra. 26 March. 


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